Sunday, 23 January 2011

Blur PS3

Before I do this post let me just say...NEVER BUY THIS GAME! 

Ok nerd rage over! I was playing Blur a few weeks back on the PS3 and I was surprised at the game, for some reason I thought that the game was about Racing and not about getting some stuff on the ground and then shooting them at your opponents! I guess the whole idea of shooting lasers out of my American muscle car is not my idea of a fun racing game. 

The game can be easily compared to the wipeout games and also Mario Kart to Crash Team Racing, but those games work, Wipeout was just amazing, flying around on hovering ships at super fast elite speed makes sense right and then shooting lasers all makes sense! and for the other ones, the genre the games are in makes it perfectly suitable for games like that and they are a lot of fun for all ages. 

But many I am just getting old and this type of franchise does not work for me any more, but I don't understand why they would make a game like that, I personally think that a game like that is best suited the cartoon genre of gaming as it makes it more fun, there is no need to add real cars, shooting lasers. I must admit that I didn't really play much of the game as it got so boring for me and it was just no fun at all. 

My advice of this one is, first of all rent the game and see if you like it, but if you want a simulator racing or just a pure racing game, stay away from Blur. 

Picture 2 taken from

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