Monday, 10 January 2011

Halo Reach XBOX360

OK a few months ago I got my self a XBOX360 pretty decent price too and it came with Halo: Reach.

I have played the Halo franchise since it came out on the first edition Xbox and I loved them.  For me personally Halo games just gave me something completely different from any other first FPS that I have played and I have spent hours up hours playing the games. I didnt get the ODST Halo as well I didnt think it was any good to be honest not sure what Bungie were hoping to achieve by releasing it and also the Halo Wars game, again I didn't bother trying those out as well...I didn't think they looked very interesting to play, but then again you can not judge a book by it's cover!

Halo Reach is a good game, but that is as far as I would go. It has something different to offer which the new armour pick ups, such as Sprint or Jet Pack and they give the player a  lot of freedom and a new way of playing the game and also the assassination move which I must admit was a little tricky to master. The story I must say is fantastic, but well...I was expecting that, the Halo story line is what makes it stand out from the other games and Reach started it all (in story line terms). So it had the building blocks there in terms of the story, but I am not saying that is bad, I liked the game a lot but...I guess I expected a bit more of the story. 

When it comes to the  game play, its well the same, apart from what I mentioned about the armour pick ups. There are some new weapons to pick up which is pretty cool and the fight in space, where you actually fight in a space aircraft! well more like a jet, but its pretty either way! But that about it really the rest of the game you just kill more bad guys like you would in the other games. 

But where I think the Reach shines is the multilayer mode, I have played a few games and its alot of fun, the game is well balanced (even though I have heard that when it first started it had a few problems but what game does not) there are a variety of different modes to satisfy most Halo gamers. The firefight mode is also pretty interesting where you get the fight versus Covenant forces either protecting generators or a points based game against you and the other players. 

Halo: Reach also  lets you customise your character, but to a dramatic level, much more than the previous Halo games with the better armour unlock able as you get your rank higher, this feature I like a lot as it lets each player look different from anyone else and there are loads of customisations available so there is plenty to unlock while you play. The game adds "Forge" where you can pretty much create your own halo world and any game mode, this is by far the best feature in my opinion of the game, the amount of customisation you can do is again pretty sweet and you can let your imagination run wild. 

So even though I said that the Reach is not that good, I did not mean that the game is bad, the game is really good but in my opinion is not something special. By all means try it out and see if you like it. 

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